Monday, July 2, 2007

Maine Gov. John Baldacci Signs Groundbreaking Student Debt Relief Program Into Law

Opportunity Maine and The League of Young Voters announce an aggressive and comprehensive education and public awareness campaign

AUGUSTA — Governor John Baldacci signed LD 1856, Opportunity Maine, into law today at the Statehouse in Augusta, Maine. The groundbreaking initiative is the first of its kind in the country and promises to be a model for other states seeking to educate and retain a sustainable workforce.

The passage of Opportunity Maine will allow any person who goes to school in Maine, and then agrees to live and work in Maine, to take a tax credit to help pay their student loans. Or, any Maine company who hires a Maine graduate can take the credit if they assume the former students’ loan debt.

“Opportunity Maine is a perfect example of how simple conversations can effect real change. Last year, we mobilized 500 volunteers to collect 73,000 signatures, At the same time, we spoke to 73,000 Mainers about the problem of student debt and the importance of growing a sustainable workforce,” said Andrew Bossie, president of Opportunity Maine. “Then we talked to lawmakers who overwhelmingly agreed that Opportunity Maine can be a solution.”

While Opportunity Maine was prepared to go to referendum, the Maine Legislature had the opportunity to pass the legislation outright. The Maine House of Representatives did so unanimously while the Senate approved the measure 27-8.

Opportunity Maine announced today that, while they won’t be waging a “get out the vote campaign,” they will launch a comprehensive program to educate Mainers about the new program and get them signed-up.

“By enacting our innovative policy that connects debt relief to job growth and economic development, Maine offers the most promising solution to affordable education an entire generation has seen,” said Justin Alfond, Maine State Director of The League of Young Voters. “Today is a remarkable day, but where we go from here is the most exciting part. The eyes of the nation are on Maine as we build the Opportunity Maine program starting today.”

This is the first legislation of its kind in the nation — no other student debt relief program is as far reaching. Moreover, this is only the sixth time in the history of Maine that a Citizen’s Initiative has been passed outright by the Legislature.

“We’re pleased that Maine lawmakers have sent a very loud message to the people of Maine, that they value a good education and that they want people to be able to live and raise their families right here if that’s what they want to do,” said Tony Giampetruzzi, Opportunity Maine Communications Director. “The long term benefits of this program are exciting, and we intend to make sure that everyone, from graduating seniors to those who need re-education, it able to gain from it for many years to come.”

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Opportunity Maine, LD 1856, Enthusiastically Approved by Maine Lawmakers

The initiative to make higher education more affordable in Maine has been overwhelmingly approved by legislators; Gov. John Baldacci expected to sign into law

AUGUSTA — Opportunity Maine PAC and The League of Young Voters announced today that the Maine State Legislature has overwhelmingly approved the Opportunity Maine initiative. The Maine House cast a unanimous vote (142-0) in favor of the measure to provide student debt relief, while the Maine Senate voted 27-8 for the measure — it now awaits approval by Gov. John Baldacci.

With the passage of this initiative, any person who graduates from a Maine college or university - and then lives and works in Maine afterward - would be eligible for a tax credit to help pay their student loans.

“This is an exciting day for all of us who have worked for over a year to make college more affordable, to create job opportunities throughout the state, and to grow the economy,” said Andrew Bossie, the president of Opportunity Maine.

“Passage of Opportunity Maine today is a testament to the thousands of volunteer hours spent collecting signatures and lobbying lawmakers. We now face a new, but exciting challenge — to educate Mainers about this wonderful new opportunity to make their education more affordable, and their future that much brighter.”

Opportunity Maine will also help those who need re-education or who have lost jobs. And, Opportunity Maine also gives businesses the option of paying the student loans of their eligible employees and taking the tax credit for themselves.

Opportunity Maine launched a signature gathering effort in last September with an ambitious goal. Nonetheless, a vast network of student and community volunteers collected more than 70,000 signatures — more than enough to put a question before voters. Lawmakers had the ability to pass the measure outright, however, and they did so this week.

“Young people, community leaders, and our elected officials have spoken decisively. Together we have put Maine on a long-term path toward economic and workforce development,” says Justin Alfond, the League of Young Voters Maine State Director and Opportunity Maine Steering Committee Member. “The League and Opportunity Maine are excited to get the Opportunity Maine program in front of every high school student and guidance counselor, current college student, worker’s center and teacher’s association statewide.”
Currently, Maine has 30% fewer degree-holders than the rest of New England, and Maine’s average incomes are 30% less than the rest of New England. At the same time, the burden of student debt has skyrocketed in recent years, leading to crippling, life-long debt or a real or perceived inability to pursue higher education.

Opportunity Maine was formed to reverse those trends. The initiative was endorsed by labor and business councils, organizations and leaders across the state as well as the University of Maine System.

“The success of Opportunity Maine, which began as a referendum issue, is unprecedented in Maine and now leads the nation as a groundbreaking solution to a vexing problem. What we learned is that having conversations with 70,000 voters, developing a vast network of volunteers from every walk of life, and talking with our lawmakers about something that affects us all, really can make a difference,” said Tony Giampetruzzi, Opportunity Maine Communications Director and Steering Committee member. “We’re very pleased that the legislature heard us loud and clear, and took the right step toward an even better Maine.”

Opportunity Maine will announce a formal press conference and signing ceremony in the coming days.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Opportunity Maine Lobbies Lawmakes With Noted Author Anya Kamenetz

Kamenetz ("Generation Debt") and other experts address legislators at news conference and public testimony on bill to lift student debt burden

AUGUSTA — Noted author Anya Kamenetz joined Opportunity Maine and The League of Young Voters at the State House on Thursday, May 24, where they asked legislators to approve a bill that would ease the burden of mounting student debt to insure job growth and a more vibrant and sustainable economy.

The Opportunity Maine initiative will allow any person who graduates from a Maine community college, university or private college — and agrees to live and work in the State after graduation — to earn a tax credit to help pay their student loans.

“It’s amazing to me to see so many people from all over Maine come together to try to solve a problem that could burden the economy for generations,” said Kamenetz, the author of widely-praised “Generation Debt.”

“There is a startling array of evidence that building a secure life, let alone surviving, is harder for young people today than it was 30 years ago. Young people from all over the country and all walks of life are struggling to achieve their dreams despite layoffs, unsupportive parents, grinding low-wage jobs, and 25.99% APRs. Opportunity Maine would be a good start to helping people in Maine have a chance for a better future.”

Opportunity Maine was conceived by a coalition of students and community leaders who saw that it was becoming more difficult for Mainers to afford to live in Maine for low-wages and while trying to pay back their student loans. More than 400 volunteers gathered over 70,000 signatures to put the measure before voters in November 2007, but organizers were in Augusta today to urge lawmakers to pass the measure outright.

“From the very beginning, we have expected that we would have to mount a full campaign, not only to make certain that this type of legislation passes, but to also educate Mainers about the importance of affordable education so we all can follow our dreams and live better lives,” said Andrew Bossie, the president of Opportunity Maine. “Receiving an education has never been so costly, but a degree is the ticket to finding a good job or getting back into the workforce; Opportunity Maine will help us build a healthier economy and make Maine an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.”

Justin Alfond, the Maine State director of The League of Young Voters, said that the Opportunity Maine campaign, with whom his group has partnered, represents a tide change in the way that young people are working together and with other generations to make Maine a better place to live.

“The League of Young Voters is thrilled to be working side-by-side with Opportunity Maine. Maine is unique in its strong network of young advocates for positive change, and making it easier for people to get an education here is something anyone can get behind,” said Alfond. “It would be great for the legislature to do the right thing to ensure a healthier and more vibrant Maine economy, but we’re also looking forward to hitting the streets to let people in Maine know that the time has come for better opportunities for all Mainers.”

The Maine Legislature is expected to vote on Opportunity Maine in the coming weeks. To learn more about the campaign, connect to

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Opportunity Maine Successful in Signature Gathering Effort

The student-led initiative to make higher education more affordable in Maine
may now go to voters.

AUGUSTA — Leaders of Opportunity Maine PAC announced today that they have more than enough signatures to put a question before Maine voters that would make college more affordable for Mainers.

If the initiative passes, any person who graduates from a Maine college or university - and then lives and works in Maine afterwards - would be eligible for a tax credit to help pay back their student loans.

“This is an exciting day for all of us who have worked for over a year to make college more affordable, to create job opportunities throughout the state, and to grow the economy,” said Andrew Bossie, the president of Opportunity Maine PAC and the student body president at USM.

“We know that a lot of people need to leave Maine after they graduate because they can’t afford to pay their student loans. Opportunity Maine will lighten that burden, making Maine a more attractive place to live and find a job.”

Bossie added that Opportunity Maine will also help those who need re-education or who have lost jobs. And, Opportunity Maine also gives businesses the option of paying the student loan payments for their eligible employees and taking the tax credit for themselves.

Opportunity Maine launched its signature gathering effort in late September with an ambitious goal. A vast network of student and community volunteers collected more than 70,000 signatures — more than enough to put a question before voters — that were delivered to the State House for verification in January.

The Secretary of State announced today that 63,285 signatures are valid making Opportunity Maine’s signature gathering effort an unprecedented grassroots success – only 55,087 were needed to put question to voters. Under Maine law, the Maine legislature now has the option to pass the legislation outright, or send the question to voters in November.

“Of course we’d be delighted if the Legislature decides to approve this measure, but we’re prepared to continue to educate Maine voters,” said Dory Waxman, an Opportunity Maine field organizer.

“From the very beginning, Opportunity Maine wanted to educate Mainers about the importance of making higher education more affordable so people can get jobs in Maine,” said Waxman. “Well, we’ve already had over 70,000 face-to-face conversations with people who think this is an important effort, and our next step will be to speak to as many people as possible about the link between education and good-paying jobs.”

Currently, Maine has 30% fewer degree-holders than the rest of New England, and Maine’s average incomes are 30% less than the rest of New England. At the same time, the burden of student debt has skyrocketed in recent years, leading to crippling, life-long debt or a real or perceived inability to pursue higher education.

Already, Opportunity Maine has been endorsed by labor and business councils across the state as well as the University of Maine System.

Tony Giampetruzzi, Opportunity Maine’s Communications Director, said the Opportunity Maine effort is an excellent example of how ordinary people can affect positive and sweeping change.

“In addition to starting an important discussion about education and jobs, Opportunity Maine invigorated traditional and non-traditional students throughout the state. People at every Maine campus were involved in the signature gathering process, a commitment that shows that a more affordable education and a sustainable economy are of great concern,” said Giampetruzzi.

“72,000 conversations in just over three months illuminated those needs by starting a larger conversation about how people can live and work in Maine if that’s what they want to do.”

Unless the Maine legislature passes the Opportunity Maine measure, a question will go before voters in November: “Do you want to allow a tax credit for college loan repayment to any taxpayer who earns a future college degree in Maine and continues to live and work in Maine?”

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